How to travel safely with your pet is very important, So I thought up a few tips to help make your pets trip safer and more comfortable:A good harness, a pet seatbelt buckle and a tethering arrangement would be strongly advisable to avoid injury on harsh breaking, rough roads or turns ETC…If you planning a long trip, you might want to consider planning it so you can allow for adequate stops for your pet to go to the toilet and stretch their legs.Carry some water, food and a couple of treats to comfort pooch for this long drive.
How to travel safely with your as Pets can also get nauseous the same as humans do, you may want to look at your pet and see if they have a runny dripping nose and continually yawn and lick their lips, they will also look quite lethargic and that will be an indication that they are feeling sick. It would be advisable to stop and help them ease that feeling. The first thing you can to do is wipe the dripping nose dry, as in most cases this will stop the continuation of the nausea and the potential of vomiting.
Let them rest for a while before continuing on your trip, as they can’t request you to give them more time to rest, you might just have to be a bit more patient and with them.
An open window so they can breath fresh air will also help ease that nausea. Just make sure the whole head is not sticking out as that can be dangerous and is illegal too.
Any other ideas to assist our furry buddies will be welcome on this post.